Thursday, July 12, 2012

-الالتزام بالمنهج الرباني: إن المرأة التي لا يحكم تصرفاتها إلا الإيمان امرأة أغلى من كنوز الدنيا. ورسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول: ( فاظفر بذات الدين ...) - ضعفها معه وقوتها مع غيره: الرجل يفضل المرأة الموافقة له مع أنها قوية الشخصية في واقعها, وهذه الصفة تحقق له رجولته واحترامه. - سحر الشخصية: هي شيء يحس ولا يوصف, إنها كأبيات الشعر التي تعلم أنها رائعة, ولكن لا تستطيع تحليل روعتها, ربما لأنها أكبر من قدراتك. - الجمال: من البديهي أن يحب الرجل الجمال... ولكن ما هي مواصفات هذا الجمال ؟؟؟ فالأذواق مختلفة جداً في هذا باختلاف طبيعة الرجل وبيئته, فالجمال الحقيقي عند المرأة معادلة صعبة يتزاوج فيها الشكل الخارجي بالمضمون الداخلي. - الوعي: الرجل يفضل المرأة الواعية ذات العقل المستنير, فالمرأة العاقلة كنز ثمين لابد من البحث عنه, وإذا كان الجمال سلطاناً قصير العمر فإن الذكاء أطول السلاطين عمراً. - التعليم والثقافة: إن للتعليم أثراً كبيراً في حياة المرأة, وعلى تحركاتها وسلوكها, إن العلم بالشيء يجعلها تقف على نفعه وضره, والمرأة التي لا تعرف كيف تعامل زوجها, ولا تعرف كيف تربي أبناءها تربية صالحة, لن تستطيع أن تسعد زوجها. - الاهتمام به: الرجل يحب أن تكون المرأة مهتمة به, خالصة له, لا يشغلها عنه شاغل, فالزوجة التي تولي زوجها خالص الاهتمام والصفاء ترضيه وتنعش روحه, فيكون بعدها راضياً عن كل شيء. - الحياء: الحياء من الإيمان وهو زينة المرأة وبدونه تصبح المرأة قبيحة مهما كان جمال شكلها, وكلما كانت المرأة بعيدة عن الوقاحة كانت أقرب إلى قلب الرجل. أما الحياء فوق الطبيعي مع الزوج فمذموم, وهذا لا يسمى حياء بل نسميه خجلاً. - التجديد: إن المرأة التي حباها الله بالعقل النير, والنشاط والحيوية, هي التي تكون دائماً متجددة في ملابسها وبيتها وحديثها ومعلوماتها, ولا يلزم التجديد كل يوم, ولكن روح التجديد يجب أن يكون هاجس المرأة الذكية. - التمنع: الرجل يجري خلف المرأة التي تستعصي عليه, ولا يأبه بالمرأة السهلة بل يملها, لأن الإنسان مجبول بفطرته على أن الشيء السهل يزهد فيه, وأن الشيء الصعب يتمسك به. وصفة التمنع تحتاج من المرأة إلى ذكاء وفطنة, تعرف متى تطيع زوجها وتصبح مثل الخاتم في أصبعه, ومتى تتمنع عنه حتى يكاد يفقد الأمل في العثور عليها. إن المرأة حين تكون صعبة المنال تكون مصدر إشعاع للحب, وهدفاً جاداً للرجل.

the love 

Monday, July 9, 2012

7) the completion of faith:
For my father in front of him may Allah be pleased with him said: The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: "I love God, and hates God, and God gave, and the prevention of God, has completed the Faith" (Narrated by Abu Dawood Hassan on bail)
8) enter Paradise.
From Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him said: The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: "Do not enter Paradise until you believe and not believe until you love one another, and you will do anything if you did love one another Spread peace among you" (Narrated by Muslim)
9) of their closeness to God and their council from the Day of Resurrection:
Abu Malik al-Ash'ari said: "I was with the Prophet may Allah bless him and grant him peace came down upon this verse:" O ye who believe, do not ask questions about things though if you ask "(Table 101) said: we ask him when he said: 3 The God worshipers are not prophets and not martyrs, prophets and martyrs Agbthm proximity and their seat of God on the Day of Resurrection, he said, and in terms of Bedouin folk Fjtha on his knees and threw his hands, then told us: 'O Messenger of Allah for them who are they? said: I saw in the face of the ProphetGod's blessings and peace of human beings, said the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace: "They are slaves of the slaves of God from various countries, and various tribes of the tribal peoples were not among them wombs of communicating them, and no minimum Itbazlon them, Athabon the Spirit of God, God makes their faces Nora and makes them pulpits of pearls before men, and do not Evzon, and people are afraid and do not fear "(Narrated by Ahmad and classed the ruling and Golden)
10) and their faces light Day of Resurrection:
Talk of the former as saying: "God makes their faces light"
11) their platforms of Pearl:
The same talk in the past as saying: "makes them pulpits of pearls before the people."
12) to them pulpits of light:
And in the hadeeth of Ibn 'Umar said: The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: "God worshipers are not prophets and can not Martyrs Agbthm the martyrs and the prophets the Day of Judgment for their closeness to God, and their council of it," Fjtha Bedouin on his knees and said: O Messenger of Allah described to us and mostly for us? said: "The people of channeling people of tribal conflict, Tsadegoa in God and love one another in it, put God Almighty them on the Day of Resurrection pulpits of light, afraid of people and are not afraid, are the friends of Allah (God) most of those who do not fear them and do not they grieve "(directed by the Governor and the Golden corrected)
13) Agbthm prophets and martyrs Day of Resurrection:
Of modern ex: a modern-Ash'ari and Ibn 'Umar, may Allah be pleased with them in saying peace be upon him: "Agbthm martyrs and the prophets the Day of Judgment for their closeness to God, and their council it."
14) designated guardians of God:
From the hadeeth of Ibn 'Umar as saying the former may Allah bless him and grant him peace: "They are guardians of God Almighty"
15) the absence of fear and grief them on the Day of Resurrection:
Of modern ex: a modern-Ash'ari and Ibn 'Umar, may Allah be pleased with them: "Do not fear them and do not they grieve" and saying "and do not Evzon, and people are afraid and are not afraid"
16) that one of his love of good people for their best interests and their rectitude and join up to their rank, and if not done very Mpelghm:
Ibn Masood may Allah be pleased with him said: A man came to the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said: O Messenger of Allah, how do you say to a man loves a people not attached to them? He said: "One the one I love" (Asahahan)And also in the correct Anas may Allah be pleased with him that a man asked the Prophet, peace be upon him, and when time is it? He said: "What I have prepared for her?" He said, what I have prepared her many prayers and do not fast and not charity, but I love Allah and His Messenger, he said: "You are with those who liked," said Anas: What joy some happy words of the Prophet, peace be upon him: "You are with those who liked the" I love the Prophet, peace be upon him and Abu Bakr and Omar, and I hope to be with them my love them, and if I do such workAnd Ali may Allah be pleased with him brought: "No man loves a people but crammed with them" (Tabarani in small)
Who choose to love and companionship
Quraafi said: "What every one deserves to have intercourse and not associated with and does not Asarr"
And said Alqamah: the inmates of that accompanied Zhang, and the injury from dirt Aank and if I hit your article, and that you felt good promise, and that seemed to you to notch filled, and that I asked him gave you, and if I got your job and Isaac Bashevis, and Adnahm of not Alboaúq brings you, and you do not differ from the methods
He says Sheikh Ahmed bin tender: Babysitting antibodies melting soul, and vaccination forms Babysitting minds, and not everyone is fit for Babysitting suitable for sociability, and does not fit all of the sociability believes secrets, and does not believe in secrets, but only of Trustees
And adequate investigation into the legality of the choice of friends saying peace be upon him: "the religion of one's mistress Akhall So let one of you" (Reported by Abu Dawud and others)
Ouzai said: Sidekick for Kalriqah owner of the dress, if you were not like him Hanth
Was said to Ibn fish: the Muslim Brotherhood has more right to keep the friendship? Said: ample religion, adequate mind, which does not have to close, and do not forget you in the distance, the Dnot it Danak, and the lags from Raak, and is Asteddth Eddk, and if you need it Rphik, and enough love to do more than love saying
And the scholars said: do not accompany only one of two men: a man to learn something from him in order Vinfk religion, or a man who learned something in the matter of his religion cometh from you, and the third of it Vaherb
Ali may Allah be pleased with him:The honesty of your brother was with you *** and himself to the detriment of the benefit youAnd time of the doubt if Sdek *** dissipated himself to Ijmek
And said some of the writers: do not accompany people only stifles your password, and Lester fault, so you in the episodes, and prefers Balrgaúb, and published Hassantk, and turn the Saitk, the ship did not find him not only yourself
The scholars and those who may affect his company and his love five qualities:Should be wise, good manners, not punk, and not an innovator, and not keen on the minimum1) The reason: it is the capital and is the parent there is nothing good in the company of assholeAli may Allah be pleased with him:Not accompanied by a brother and ignorance *** Beware of him andHow many ignorant *** meek shot when his brotherMeasured by one man to *** if you MashahAnd for something on the thing and quasi-standards ***Of the heart and the heart gets when evidence ***
And wise man who understands things as they are, either in person, and if you understand either
2) The good character, it is not a must, as Lord of the sane realize things on what it is, but if overcome by anger or lust or vinegar or cheese obeyed the whim, and violated what is known to him, by his inability to conquer his attributes, and evaluation of morals, there is no good in his company
Abu Hatim said Ibn Haban may God have mercy on him: What the wise man knows that it is not something pleasing company adjusts the Muslim Brotherhood, and do not modify g g missing, then the evil consequences of his Atouky Safah, and not tainted with the voyager, and the good of the Brotherhood of greatness if Sank , and do not slip on the wrong brother, it is his partner in nature, but pardon, and Antekb Mhacdh Brotherhood, because the envy of a friend of sickness affection, and the generosity of giving the greatest affection, because it does not appear true from the heart of Dr. Suqeim
3) The Lecher: there is no point in his company, it does not fear God and do not believe Gaúlth not documenting his friendship, but changes with symptomsHe says: "And do not obey the disregarding of his heart, and we follow the desires" (Cave 28)
And he says: "who turned away and we took all but did not want this life" (The Star 29), and The Prophet, peace be uponAnd peace: "I do not accompany except a believer and do not eat your food but pious" (Narrated by Tirmidhi and Abu Dawud)
Abu Hatim Allah's mercy in "Kindergarten wise": "wise man does not accompany the bad guys, because the bad company of the owner of a piece of the shot, tracking grudges, affection is not correct, and does not fulfill his promise, and that the happiness of one's four virtues: to be his wife's approval, Abrar and his son, his brothers and good, and be living in his country. and all the old people do not benefit from it one better, be better than sitting dog treating him kindly, and from that comes the bad is not safe, as it enters the entrances to accuse the bad "
Some of them said:Apple if you want men Ahahm *** Tosmon and their affairs and loseIf conquered relegated to the Secretariat and met *** Fbh hands Garir appointed Vashidd
4) The innovator: in accompanied by the risk of transmission of innovation and encroachment Hamha him, Valambtda due to the abandonment and the province, how is it affecting his company
5) The prudent in worldly Vsahpth deadly poison, because the foul bred to imitate and emulate, but steals from the copyright from the copyright owner does not know where, Vmajalsh keen to ensure minimum movement, and Babysitting ascetic interest is in the world, and therefore hate the company of students of the world, and desirable company interested in the afterlife
Various people if you are not enjoyed equally Zguethm *** as do not equal the treesThis has a sweet fruit Mmagueth *** and that has no taste and no fruit
Signs of love in God
1) that no more than the mainland does not detract Paljfa:Of the signs of love in God that no more than the mainland does not detract Paljfa, said Yahya Ibn Razi forbid:Love the fact that they do not increase the mainland and do not detract Paljfa
2) Approval:And of the signs of God's love in the approval, some of them said:For something that does not say that I said no *** and say yes to something that I said yes
3) Do not envy his brother:And signs of not loving envied his brother in religion and no minimumAnd has described the God who love one in saying: "and do not find in their breasts, which were given the need and influence on themselves and if their merit" (Hashr 9)
4) that he loves for his brother what he loves for himself:And of the signs that he loves for his brother what he loves for himself, he said the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: "None of you believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself" (Narrated by sheikhs)
5) to be the standard of love obedience.And to increase his marks if he sees his brother in obedience to God, and decreases if he considers it a sin God Almighty
Of human brotherhood and love and companionship requirements
Every Muslim to his Muslim brother have rights, and these rights are enjoined hold of Islam, and became every Muslim in this contract sanctity, no one is permitted to violate them, and had brought a number of these rights, and a statement of the inviolability of the words of the Prophet may Allah bless him and grant him peace, it is That saying may Allah bless him and grant him peace: "the right of Muslim over a Muslim Set: If I have received and greeted him, and if invited you Vojbh, and if Astansg Advise him, and if he sneezes glorified God Vhmth, and if the disease the same number, and if he dies follow it" (Agreed it)And in the statement of the sanctity of the Muslim, and what is not permissible for a Muslim that is located with other Muslims saying peace be upon him: "Beware, and probably the likely lie to talk, and do not Thssoa, and do not spy, and not competing, and do not Thasdoa, and do not hate one another, Be worshipers of God and brothers, a Muslim a Muslim brother, do not oppress him and do not and can not Ikhzlh Ahakrh, piety here ... and pointed to his chest, according to a man of evil, insulting his brother Muslim, every Muslim is haram for a Muslim: his blood and his property and his "(Narrated by sheikhs)The holding of a link between the two brothers as a contract of marriage between the couple, and the consequences of this decade, money and human body and the heart and tongue, and the observance of these rights last for affection and intimacy increased, and enters the contractors in the clique who love God, and Analan of pay and reward What Osilvnah
1) the rights of the brothers in the money:- It is the rights of money due to the soft sights if Grima, he says: "and if a hard look at the soft" (Baqarah 280), and said peace be upon him: "It is easier for insolvent pleased God in this life and "(Muslim and others)- Of human brotherhood and sympathy with money: it is also said scientists on three kinds:1) that the minimum of its need by the grace of the owner, if he had the need, and if you have a preferred, as I gave him did not Thuge to the question, the Ahojtah to the question, is the very failure to the right of brotherhood2) The second: to inflict status yourself, and accept his participation beware of the owner of theHasan said: One of them was too difficult for lower garment between him and his brother, and a man came to Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him and said: I want to Oakhik in God, he said: Do you know what the right of brotherhood? He said he introduced me, he said not to be deserving of Bidinark Darhamk and me, he said: I did not report the status after this, he said, Get behind meAnd Ali Bin Al Hussein of a man: Does one of you enters his hand in the bag or how much his brother, and he takes what he wants without his permission? He said: No, he said: Velstm Bajuan3) The third and the upper, that Tatherh on yourself, and need to provide your need, and the rank of the righteous, loving and extremely degreesIbn Umar: dedicated to a man from the companions of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him head of a sheep, he said: So my brother in dire need from me to him, so he sent it to him, Fbosh that man to another, and he kept sending him to another until he returned to the first , having traded sevenThis was the place of supreme altruism, are arranged noble Companions, God bless them
Hamid said: I heard Anas may Allah be pleased with him said: When Immigrants gave the city came down on the fans, got Abdul-Rahman bin 'Awf Ibn Saad the spring, he said: Okasemk Mali, and sent down to you about one of my wife, he said: God bless you in your family and owner , including its impact Vatherh it, and like him, then its impact by
And may they praise Allah (God) said, "and influence on themselves and if their merit" (9 Hashr
Abu Suleiman Aldarani: I had a brother in Iraq, so I Ojaih episodes in, I say: Give me something from the owner, was cast to the bag he took from it what I want, Fjith one day I said: I need something, he said: How much do you want? I went out Akhaúh sweetness of my heart And another said: If I asked your brother's money, he said: What do you do with it has the right to leave the brotherhood.This sympathy with money orders, the ranking did not approve of yourself with this level you must know that your brother was held after the brothers did not take place in the subconscious, but rather the ongoing informal contact between you do not have occurred in the mind and religion, Ben-Maimon said Mehran: "It may leave the Brotherhood of favors, Vlaaakh graves "
2) the rights of brotherhood in the body:And are intended to aid in self-fulfilling needs, and do before the question, and submitted to the special needs, and this also has degrees Kalmwasah money1) the lowest of the need to do when the question and the ability with a kind face and show tidings and joy and gratitude be to Allah to accept:The Prophet, peace be upon him: "It is the same for insured plight of the distress of this world, Allaah will relieve him of distress on the Day of Resurrection, and is pleased to pinching pleased God in the world and the Hereafter, and of covering a Muslim concealed God in this life and the Hereafter, and Allah will help a person what was the slave helps his brother "
Hasan al-Basri sent a group of his friends in the district need them, brother, and he said, went through constant Banani Fajdhuh with you, and passed by constant and said: I retreat, turned to Hassan told him he said to them: Say to him, Oamh not know that your quest in need of better for you than your brother's argument After an argument, turned to a fixed told him, he left the retreat and went out with them
2) Class II: need to be like your brother, your need:Some of the salaf Eyal inspects his brother after his death forty years, is their need, and frequented them every day and Amonhm of his money, were not only losing their father from the same

                                        ** And ** the fruits of the virtues of love of God **

For the love of God in the fruits of those who love a good derived from their Lord in this life and the afterlife, including:

1) God's love says:
From Mu'aadh may Allah be pleased with him said: I heard the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him says: "God said, Blessed and says: My love is obliged to love one another in, and in Almottagalcin and Almetzaorén in, and in Almtbazlin" (Narrated by Malik and others)
King and say to the man who visited his brother in God: "I am the Messenger of Allah to you that God may love you as I loved it"

2) God love them to their full potential love for its owner:
Abu Darda bump may Allah be pleased with him said: "No two men in Thaba God but God was love them to their full potential love for its owner" (Reported by al)

3) the dignity of God:
For my father in front of him may Allah be pleased with him said: The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: "There is no slave like a slave to God but Allah honor him" (Narrated by Ahmad, a good bond)
And honor one God includes honoring his faith, and useful knowledge, and good deeds, and other kinds of blessings

4) in the shade under the throne of Rahman:
From Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him said: The Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and grant him peace: "God Almighty says the Day of Resurrection: Where loving? Today Ozlhm in Zla on no shade but Zla (Narrated by Muslim), Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah, may Allah have mercy on him in the "Total fatwas": "The words: Where are those who love majesty of God? Alert to what is in their hearts of reverence for God and veneration with which the mutual love, and so they are guardians over to its limits, without borders who do not keep to the weakness of faith in their hearts "
And from Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him also said: The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: "Allah will shade seven day no shade but His: a just imam, and the young man grew up in the worship of God, and man
His heart hanging mosques, and two men in Thaba God met him and dispersed it ... "(Agreed)

5) found the taste of faith:
He (PBUH): "I like the taste of faith to find Nevertheless let one does not like him but to God (Narrated by the ruling and said: It is true cross and did not narrate and approved by Golden)

6) found the sweetness of faith:
From Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him said: The Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and grant him peace: "Whoever would find the sweetness of faith, Nevertheless let one does not like him but to God" (Narrated by Ahmad and classed the ruling and Golden)
And for Anas may Allah be pleased with him said: The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: "three of which were found the sweetness of faith: that God and His Messenger are dearer to him than all else, and to love one only God does not love, to hate and a return in disbelief after it had saved him from it, and hates to be thrown into the fire "(Agreed)
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah, may Allah have mercy on him in the "Total fatwas": "Prophet Muhammad, blessings and peace that these three were found in which the sweetness of faith, because there follows the sweet thing love it, love it or something and commissars coveted, if he has his way, it finds sweetness and pleasure and pleasure is pleasure and this happens immediately after that is appropriate to recognize the beloved ... or Almsthy Vhlaoh faith, follow Kamal's love slave of God, and that three things: love this supplement, and Tafraaha, and push against it
"Vtkamilha" to be God and His Messenger are dearer to him than all else, the love of God and His Messenger not only be the origin of love, but it must be God and His Messenger are dearer to him than all else
And "Tafraaha" to love one only God does not like
And "push against" hate against the faith that is greater than disliked throw into the fire "

the love in my loveLove in God The Althab in God and the brothers in the religion of the greatest acts of worship, and its terms are attended by Almtsaahbun Palmtahabin in God, and to carry out their rights to draw closer to God Zulfa, and to maintain the gain scores high, he says: "A between their hearts and if spent on earth, couldst thou but God is a thousand, including "(Anfal 63)Ibn Masood may Allah be pleased with him: they are those who love God inAnd in the novel: I got in love one in God (Narrated by women and the ruling and said correctly)Some of them said:Love God and love of a true believer *** and hate the people of God regardless of the insurgencyThe only religion of love and hatred and Alola Albr *** like that of Gao and every victimIbn Rajab said Almighty God's mercy:And completeness of God's love what he loves and hates what hatred, it is something I love than hatred of God, or dislike something which God loves, did not complete the unification and sincerity in saying there is no god but Allah, and it was hidden from the trap according to his hatred, which I love God , and what I love, which God hatesIbn al-Qayyim and may God have mercy on him:I like nothing but God, and were not his love for his God, and not because it has a certain obedience to God, tortured him in this world before the meeting, as it was said:You are the victim of all I loved it *** choose for yourself in the passion of Tstafa

the love in my love Virtue of love in God God of love in the Association of the greatest links, and the bond of the most important ties, making them the Almighty Closer bonds of Islam and faith, he said - peace be upon him -: (closer bonds of faith in God and pro-government hostility in God, and loveIn God and hate in God the Almighty) Narrated by Tabarani and horses. Rather, faith is not complete, but honestly this passion, and dedication of the Association said peaceBe upon him: (God of love and hate God and God gaveAnd the prevention of faith God has been completed) Narrated by Abu Dawood. Anyone who wants to feel the sweetness of faith, and the thrill of striving for the love and the devil, this isWay, in the hadeeth narrated by Anas may Allah be pleased with him that the Prophet - peace be uponHim - said: (three of which were found the sweetness of faith thatBe God and His Messenger are dearer to him than all else, and love one does not like him but to God,And would hate to be back in disbelief as he would hate to be thrown into the fire). And the one preferred by the owner of what holds him love and affection and brotherhood, he said -Peace be upon him -: (What Tahab two in GodHowever, the most severe Avdilhma love for its owner) Narrated by Ibn Haban and horses. The reward in the Hereafter he Zillur Rahman on no shade but His shade, told - peaceGod be upon him - that among the seven who will shade of God in the shade on shade but does notUnder which: (Thaba two men of God met him and dispersed it)Okhrajat correct. God's love in The basic principle of love and hate to be all that God loves him orHates him, God loves those who repent and purify themselves, and benefactors, and the pious, and the patient, And those who trust and those who act justly, and combatants in the process described, does not like the wrongdoersAnd the aggressors and the extravagant and corrupt, and treacherous, and arrogant. Therefore, the requirement of this love that God and in God, not Tkderha interestsPersonal, not Tngsa worldly pursuits, but loves each one of them the otherTo obey God, and faith in him, and compliance with his orders, and end all prohibitions, and whatAsked Abu Hamza Alnisabure all who love in God Almighty Who are they? He said: "Workers to obey God, collaborators on the order of God, and that their role and their bodies split". And love in God is love, remaining standing to the Day of Judgment, all the loveTurn enmity of the Day of Resurrection except what was for God and in obedience to Him, He says: {Day will be foes one to another, but the pious enemy} (decoration67), al-Tirmidhi narrated that a Bedouin came to the Prophet - peace be upon him -He said: O Muhammad, the man loves people and attached to them, he said - may Allah bless himHim -: (the one I love you). But the one who desires to love the people, or for worldly affairs, or for the benefit of urgentWants, it, this is not the love of God but is the love of self-Hui, a sign thatOwners in disbelief and immorality and disobedience of Allaah forbid it. Magnify things out of love There are more things in the documentation of this bond and the great consolidation, urged by the Prophet -Peace be upon him - including: notification brother - who has a special place in yourself,And love in excess of the general brotherhood of all believers that you love, In the talk:(If one of you Vlaoth owner at his home that he VlabrhGod loves him) narrated by Imam Ahmad and horses in the novel sent forMujahid narrated by Ibn Abi al-Albaani world and gracious (itStay in the intimacy and affection shown in). And the exchange of fraternal relations, and a lot of friendly links, how much meltedGift of the residues of the soul, and how much I still start from the jungle hearts to peace, and in theTalk (They shook hands go rancor, and love one another and go TheduaHatred) Narrated by Maalik in al-Muwatta, and classed as hasan by Ibn 'Abd al-Barr in the boot. He said - peace be upon him -: (do not enter Paradise untilBelieve, not believe until you love one another, and you will do anything if you did love one another? Spread peace among you) Narrated by Muslim. Human love There are between lovers Tojbha rights and imposed by this love,Evidenced by the sincerity of the brothers and the purity of love, including: to calculate your brother's account withAttract him to the benefit of yourself, or want to pay yourself from harm, was recommended by the Prophet -Peace be upon him - Abu Hurayrah said: (and I likeFor the Muslims and the believers what you love for yourself and your family, and hate what you hate them for yourselfAnd your family, not a believer) Narrated by Ibn Majah and a man. Including what to give to your brother calls from Salhat where not hear you nor see you, and whereSuspicion of hypocrisy or courtesy, he said - peace be upon him -: (a Muslim call to his brother answered the back of the unseen, when the king of his headWhenever a client called to his brother, the king said fine by the principal: Amen and you so)Narrated by Muslim, and some of the predecessor if he wants to pray for himself, he called for his brother thatThe invitation, because it is answered and gets his ideals. Such as loyalty, fidelity and consistency to love to death, but even after the death of brotherBeloved and the righteousness of his children and his friends, Akram was the Prophet - peace be upon him -An old woman came to him and said, (it was Tgchana daysKhadija, and the covenant of good faith) Narrated by Tabarani, and to fulfill thatDoes not change brother against brother, no matter how rose would, bone, and his merit. Including mitigation and leave the Baroque, there is no cost to find his brotherIt, or blame him a lot, but a mild shadow, the wise men said: "It isLanded cost of long familiarity, and this is fully to see you credit for your brothers,Do yourself to them, inflict yourself with them the status of the server. " And from him to make money, and spend his needs and carry out, and not to its shortcomings in his presenceAnd his absence, and praise him what he knew of the good conditions, and also love calling upon the namesHim. Including his courtship and the question about the conditions of, and participation in theWeddings and Alotrah, Visser to delight, and grief for his grief.It also made him advice and education, I do not need your brother to science and adviceLess than he needs the money, and advice should be secretly without rebuke. If Satan entered between two who love one day, and the band rupture Vhsalt,See al of them all the same, but look at the mysteries of his heart, he said peace be upon him: (What Twad two in between them but God Vivriq guilt caused by one of them) narratedBukhari in the literature for single and horses. These are some of the virtues of love in God and their rights, and her love of this credit in the worldAnd worthy of careful hereafter to it, and fulfill their rights, and Alastzadh of them,{And those who came after them say: Our Lord, forgive us and our brothers who preceded usFaith and do not make in our hearts for those who believeThou Merciful} (Hashr 10).May peace and God's mercy and blessings.

the love in my love